Wednesday, March 03, 2010

God's Details

Today we will be visiting in the last two village. From home I made a general plan to visit in the villages we worked in, where we trained community health workers and birthing attendants. From here God developed the details for us. It’s been super to do these visits with former team members as people have been so delighted to see them again. It has helped me tremendously as I don’t remember all their names and even some faces. A very special detail that God orchestrated was passing through Salamou’s village. Normally we’d take the road north out of Magaria to Jinkai, but there’s a new road east of Magaria that works better! And this road passes through Salamou’s villages. Salamou is a dear believer who lived in Magaria but moved back to her home village to live with her son & his family. When I went to church at Magaria on Sunday I realized I wouldn’t be seeing her. But not so. We stopped outside the village, inquired at the well if the women knew her, which of course they did. We left a message to meet us at a certain point at 5. Sure enough there she was. This lady is so diligent in everything she does. She learned to read and continues to read. She walks 6-8 km to church each week in Jinkai. I hadn’t anticipated seeing her but was blessed with this unexpected detail that again God worked!!!

I’ve tried to upload pictures here but it’s just not working. Just glad to have internet connection.


Tammy said...

Glad to read your updates! :-)

Jeannie said...

Thanks Tammy. I really should write lots more. I'll be away for the weekend --off to Maradi in the morning.