Saturday, February 20, 2010

At Galmi

Here I am back at Galmi. And how is it being back? What does it feel like? How have things changed? How am I coping with it all? Well, so far so good. From the beginning –my flights were pretty uneventful. Once in Paris I had to dust off my French and found myself being misunderstood. Fortunately not in a bad way, just when I ordered du thé (some tea) I got deux thé (two cups of tea). Well, they were small so I thought I still have plenty of time before my flight to Niger, there’s time to sip ‘em both. And I did.
I got in a conversation with a lady traveling to Niger who asked me in the course of our talk how I practice my faith. So (since we had plenty of time in a coffee shop, before the 2 cups of tea) I actually showed her what I do for my devotions. As I pulled out my Bible and started sharing some verses with her, I wondered in my tired jet lagging state what in the world I was doing. But she was sincerely interested with good questions.
In all my coming to Niger with excess bags and boxes I never missed a piece, until now. One suitcase decided to stay behind in Paris, the other arrived with me. It was to be no problem as it was to come on the flight Thursday and then sent on to Galmi on Friday. Maybe next Tuesday & Wednesday???
It really feels very familiar being back –the sounds, the smells, the sights. Hausa comes out quite naturally. I took the bus from Niamey to Galmi on Thursday, not knowing what was to happen in Niamey later. Thursday & Friday there was a stream of people coming to greet and welcome me back. It’s so special for me to be able to see these dear friends again. It really seems like yesterday that I left. Salifou and I have planned out our trips to the villages which we’ll start doing this Monday through Friday in the afternoons. Marie & Maimouna have permission from the hospital to come on some of the trips.
I’m living in a duplex next door to my dear friend Linda. (Understand that we were in SIM orientation together back in 1983 and she’s the one who introduced me to Galmi!!!) The duplex has a common entry to the hall that separates the two apts making it really easy to be in & out of each other’s place. It’s great to be next door, to share meals together, to have lots of time to catch up with each, to plan activities together.


lazrus2 said...


It's good to hear that you made it there without much trouble (and with opportunity to witness too =)!

Is Linda still in the duplex beside the one we were in in '92 (at the gate to the landing strip)?
If so, I can picture it, tho' things may have changed a lot by now.

Someday we'd like to come back for a visit, but I doubt there'd be many still there who would remember us. For now, we're reserving our funds for Israel ministry trips. If you'd ever want to go with us, we're planning on leading one with a small group next spring('11). Let us know if you might be interested in joining us!

Love to you and Linda too,
Dana (& Nick)

Tammy said...

Glad to read your update!